Answer No. 17-“Sending a Petition” vs “Burning a Petition”

By | March 4, 2018

Important Replies from Holy Virtuous Ones and Eminent Monastics

Response from the Inquiry Center of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to Questions Raised by Inquirers

On the Day of January 17 of the Lunar year (March 4, 2018)

Answer No. 17

Great magicians are able to use lamplight, laser, and chemistry and can even install an earth-quake house that people cannot keep balance while standing inside. They can let an airplane or automobile vanish or appear. However, no great magician can ever do this: That is, have a sheet of paper with writings by the audience laid in front of a table before the crowd and watched and guarded by the crowd closely surrounding the table; then, the master standing far away invites a Bodhisattva to transform this sheet of paper into a rainbow light that goes to the sky before disappearing. The master must be a Bodhisattva with the status of tremendous holy virtuous one to accomplish this. Even Arhats are unable to do this.

You should know that “sending a petition” and “burning a petition” are two different matters. “Sending a petition” is to write the document of petition on a sheet of paper on the spot. Without using fire, while the disciples are chanting “Ong Ah Hong,” this sheet of paper will on its own transform into a rainbow light and fly away without leaving a trace. On the other hand, “burning a petition” is to burn the petition by flame. Any one of you is able to do that.


                               Inquiry Center of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters

                               Written on behalf of great holy virtuous ones to answer questions raised

                               March 4, 2018