Answer No. 16-Why False Master Would Oppose the Stipulations Regarding an Inner-tantric Mandala

By | March 3, 2018

Important Replies from Holy Virtuous Ones and Eminent Monastics

Response from the Inquiry Center of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to Questions Raised by Inquirers

On the Day of January 16 of the Lunar year (March 3, 2018)

Answer No. 16

Why would people with the titles of master and dharma king oppose the stipulations of the dharma regarding an inner-tantric mandala? This is because they are false holy ones. Masters with the titles of dharma king and rinpoche in the world are used to say that they are able to perform inner-tantric initiations and classify what is an inner-tantric mandala and what is an outer-tantric mandala. However, after the stipulations of the dharma regarding a true inner-tantric mandala have been published to Buddhists, their lies are totally exposed. That is why they have extremely strong anger and hatred. The reason is that among 10,000 dharma kings and rinpoches claiming to have an inner-tantric mandala, basically 9,999 of them have false inner-tantric mandalas and perform false inner-tantric initiations!

Why did Tibet have many rinpoches who attained the accomplishment of transforming into a rainbow body in the past, but not even one could be found during the last several decades? Isn’t this a fact that no one can deny! This is because there is no inner-tantric mandala now and thus no inner-tantric initiation can be performed. The siddhi power of a holy mandala has been lost. The dharma transmitted cannot connect to the yidam’s system. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do not accept initiations not conferred in an inner-tantric mandala.

Currently, false rinpoches are everywhere. They did not receive a great dharma through a true inner-tantric initiation. You can imagine, if they can perform true inner-tantric initiation, they must be great holy ones, acting as a great holy Bodhisattva. Then, doesn’t the fact that they are unable to transform a sheet with your writing on it into a rainbow flying into the sky show clearly that they are not holy persons? Aren’t they ordinary persons who are only able to utter hollow words that are nice to hear? Can one who is unable to transform a sheet of paper into a rainbow which subsequently disappears or who simply dares not try to do so a great holy person? Would a great Bodhisattva be as incapable as to the extent of being unable to deal with a sheet of paper?

They are not even requested to send the written petition back to manifest the cultivated accomplishment of a great Bodhisattva. Doing so entails burning away the petition written in front of the crowd and asking a Bodhisattva to send the petition back to the disciple while he or she is asleep. The miraculous manifestation is that after the disciple wakes up, his/her hand would hold the written petition that was burnt and is now restored. The disciple having this petition will receive an upper-level inner-tantric “First-Class Initiation of Dharma Affinity with the Yidam.” At this time, the disciple can communicate with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas during the three periods of the day.

The three Vajra Phurbas are to test the physique of a male master. Only those who do not have good health and do not have enough physical strength are unable to present and offer the “Earth Phurba” and the “Heaven Phurba.” One who does not possess the cultivated power from holy realization is unable to present and offer the “Dharma Phurba.” Moreover, it is one-hundred-percent true that low-level holy virtuous ones do not possess the cultivated accomplishment to “Present a Petition to a Bodhisattva” and do not have the cultivated accomplishment to instruct a Vajra pill to manifest miraculous transformations and so on in the disciple’s palm.

You can think carefully on this. For this kind of false holy person without accomplishment, if he does not oppose the two major stipulations of the dharma for establishing an inner-tantric mandala, how could he cover up his embarrassment of deceiving people? Would he possibly admit to you that his physique is weak and he has no physical strength to “Present the Three Vajra Phurbas,” that he cannot accomplish “Presenting a Petition to a Bodhisattva,” and that he is a false holy one? Would he admit that he is a fake holy one deceiving everyone? They can only use the way of opposing the stipulations of true Buddha-dharma to cover up their nature of an ordinary person and a charlatan. Therefore, false holy ones who have only undeserved fame and have no cultivated accomplishment will definitely oppose.


                               Inquiry Center of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters

                               Written on behalf of great holy virtuous ones to answer questions raised

                               March 3, 2018