Dharma King Asanga (4th century), Abhidharma Samuccaya (The Compendium of the Higher Teaching), Walpola Rahula (French Translator) and Sara Boin-Webb (English Translator). Indian-Mahayana.
Master Vasubandhu (4th century), Abhidharmakosa or Treatise on the Abhidharma (A-p’i-ta-mo-chu-she-lun), L. De La Vallee Poussin (French Translator) and Leo M. Pruden (English Translator). Indian-Lessor Vehicle.
Acariya Anuruddha (Compilation of various commentaries), Abhidhammattha Sangaha–A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma (Vipassana Meditation and the Buddha’s Teachings) translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Indian-Lessor Vehicle.