Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche stands in front of tree where H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave discourse in Thailand.
On numerous occasions beings from other realms have come to hear H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu ’s discourses or to pay their respect and take refuge. On November 6, 1999, in the city of Phutthamonthon, Thailand, a “Dragon” fish and two smaller fish rose out of the water and stood on their tails above the water when His Holiness was giving a discourse under a nearby tree. Many types of birds and fish came to the area. These animals, along with dogs and insects, became totally still as they respectfully listened to the dharma. The lake started to surge up in waves. A large, dark gold fish used its tail to stand up by itself on the surface of the water along with a small black fish and a silver-white fish. All three fish paid homage to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His Holiness said that the large fish was really a dragon who had transformed itself into a fish. Once,when the Buddha visited Xuanfa Institute, several of the giant orange and black resident Koi stood on their heads and waved their tails in a beautiful choreographed ballet for the Buddha. They continued to perform this dance for others for some time after the Buddha’s visit.
When H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III arrived in the United States in April 2000 the Buddha wanted to taste the avocados in the garden behind where the Buddha was staying. The previous owner had told the Buddha that these were particularly delicious avocados. At that time this very large avocado tree was full of ripe avocados. The Buddha asked a couple of his disciples to find several ripe avocados for them to eat. The fruit was high in the tree and since it was very similar in shape and color to the leaves of the tree it was not going to be easy for the disciples to do this. Furthermore, they could not find any tools to help them bring down the avocados.
A local squirrel overheard the request and immediately climbed onto the avocado tree and began to quickly harvest the fruit. The squirrel hung upside down from the branches and performed many acrobatic acts to get at the very best specimens on the tree. He put on quite a show. Very soon there were six avocados on the ground. The Buddha then asked disciple Vince Huang to tell the squirrel to stop, that they had enough. Vince notified the squirrel and the squirrel stopped.
As the the Buddha left this location later in the day, the squirrel was waiting at the gate to the compound. The squirrel proceeded to make several prostrations to the Buddha before getting out of the way of the car.

Eminent monastics and rinpoches watch as H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III raises the consciousness of wasps and other beings to higher realms at Buddhas Bestowing Nectar Dharma Assembly held in Los Angeles in June 2000.
During the Nectar Dharma Assembly held in June 2000, several hundred thousands of beings transformed themselves into wasps to attend and receive H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha’s blessing. At the beginning of the Nectar Dharma Assembly, there were about a dozen big wasps present as shown on the far right. When the Buddha was raising the consciousness of certain beings, thousands of celestial beings with feeling and consciousness similar to human beings (Kinnaras) transformed themselves into large wasps to join the assembly. A few minutes after His Holiness practiced the Dharma to raise their consciousness to a higher realm of existence, only a few wasps remained. Some of these beings were reborn in the Pure Land of the West (Sukhavati) and some were reborn in various other good realms. Read transcript of interview with Elder Monk Yi Zhao who attended this assembly.

As predicted, after H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III practiced the dharma, within a very short period of time spirits from the six realms of existence transformed into thousands of wasps as shown here. Those wasps swarmed onto the scene in order to be raised to higher realms of existence.

A few of the wasps arriving at the site of the Nectar Dharma Assembly. The Buddha told everyone present that several minutes later the number of wasps would greatly increase.
Foxes, dogs, other animals, and beings from other realms have also come to acknowledge His Holiness and receive His blessings. A tortoise once joined a human family who had come to take refuge, joining the line of those presenting themselves to the Buddha Master and bowing at the appropriate time. A giant golden eagle came to Hua Zang Si while His Holiness was there and remained a long time as a most solemn sentry. A female ghost followed, greatly annoyed, and threatened a disciple of His Holiness for many years. This continued until she was able to receive the dharma from the Buddha Master.
At Xuanfa Institute a rather large goose, erroneously named Dharma Duck, came when preliminary translations of dharma discourses given by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III were being read and insisted he be let in to listen. He flew against the window where Zhaxi Zhuoma was reading the discourses. Finally, someone opened the door to the Institute enough so that Dharma Duck could hear the discourse and he was satisfied. He guarded the Institute for a long time, scaring away any strangers–actually chasing them off the property.