
The word “dharma” has several meanings. Its two main meanings are the cosmic laws underlying the universe or all phenomena, and secondly, the teachings given by the Buddha and other enlightened beings that express these universal truths and show the way to enlightenment and escape from the cycle of birth and death. These two meanings are not unrelated.

The Buddha-dharma is the life order of another world and dimension. However, as we enter the magic of the Buddha-dharma we, too, can gain its powers and truth. As we accumulate merit and wisdom through cultivation, we will also develop the extraordinary skills and supernormal powers of the Buddha-dharma and achieve liberation from the suffering of cyclic existence.

This web site contains discourses by dharma kings, rinpoches, and dharma teachers on the Buddha-dharma as well as an introduction to both the exoteric (Tripitaka) and esoteric (Tantra) teachings of the Buddha for reference. It also includes an annotated bibliography of classic Buddhists texts by and about famous dharma kings, rinpoches, and holy monastics. Please note that these discourses and writings have not been reviewed or approved by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III and probably contain some errors. That is why they are presented for reference only and cannot be considered as true Buddha-dharma. Only the words of a true Buddha can be so considered. See “Receiving Dharma.”

All of the 84,000 dharma methods of the Buddha are teachings to help us become moral so that we can behave like a Buddha in speech and actions and develop our minds so that we can think like a Buddha and thus know how to better behave like a Buddha. The Eight-fold Path of the Buddha can be summarized as the “Three Trainings” as follows:

Morality (Sila or Precepts): Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood

Concentration (Samadhi): Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Meditation

Wisdom (Prajna): Right View and Right Intention or Resolve