Exhibition of H.H. Master Wan Ko Yee’s Achievements in the Form of World-Class Treasures

By | January 22, 2006
Dr. Allen & Farina Sachey admire the faux jade panels.

Dr. Allen & Farina Sachey admire the faux jade panels.

Community leaders display banner announcing the exhibition.

Community leaders display banner announcing the exhibition.

An exhibition of H.H. Master Wan Ko Yee’s achievements was held at the San Gabriel Hilton in southern California featuring the Yun Sculpture, paintings, calligraphy, literature, innovations, and decorative building material created by Master Yee. Those who have been fortunate enough to see the Master’s work, praise it as a “treasure from heaven.” There were 18 categories with over 200 pieces of artwork including superb extraordinary art, profound knowledge, holy virtue, etc.


Visitors marvel at the latest Yun sculpture exhibited at the exhibition.

Visitors marvel at the latest Yun sculpture exhibited at the exhibition.

Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche gave a brief introduction on the significance of this event explaining that everything that was presented at the exhibition is the manifestation of Buddha-dharma. She further explained that H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu, who is also known as Master Wan Ko Yee, is the most outstanding master the world has seen in thousands of years. She talked about the level of realization of this great master and his selfless character and high morals, generosity, and compassion for living beings. She summarized her remarks by saying:

“All that you see here is only because H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu is not an ordinary person. As a result we are able to see all this beautiful and magnificent artwork. Every piece of this artwork is speaking to us. Those of you who are clever can understand what these works of art are saying. Those who are not clever cannot. You clever ones can hear the works say, ‘I’m born on this earth in such a beautiful and exquisite way. Who or what kind of artist gave birth to me? I could not have been given life by a mundane person. A non-clever person can only see me. They won’t see what is behind me. Since they cannot consider how I was created, they will not find as beautiful and exquisite life as me.’

What I just said here today has very deep meaning. I hope you think about this as you ponder the significance of this exhibition.”