Fish Release Ceremony Held at Xuanfa Institute

By | October 29, 2010
Processional at the 2010 Fish Release Ceremony at the Xuanfa Institute

Processional at the 2010 Fish Release Ceremony at the Xuanfa Institute

Chanting Sutras at the 2010 Fish Release Ceremony at Xuanfa Institute

Chanting Sutras at the 2010 Fish Release Ceremony at Xuanfa Institute

Local disciples of all ages gathered at the Xuanfa Institute on the “fish-release day set by the Buddha” of October 29 to release captive fish and pray that all sentient beings be free from the sufferings of illness, that their karmic hindrances be removed, that their longevity and good fortune increase, that all things go well for them, that the true dharma forever remain in the world, and that our country be prosperous. Ven. Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche performed the Refuge Ceremony for all of those living beings who were released into the pond at the Xuanfa Institute.  Rinpoche requested that they be reborn in circumstances where they may hear the true Buddha-dharma of the Tathagatha and become accomplished.