2004-Lin Cai-Chun Yu, USA

By | January 1, 2004

Taken from an article that appeared in the Asian Journal analyzing what happened at the Ultimate Form of Bathing the Buddha Dharma Assembly

Laywoman Yu Lin Cai-Chun died of disease. Her pupils dilated and her corpse became rigid and cold. Her family members beseeched H.H. Great Dharma King to save her. H.H. Great Dharma King began practicing the dharma. Two hours later, Yu Lin Cai-Chun was resurrected. She spent the next three months happily with her family. She practiced the dharma that H.H. Great Dharma King transmitted to her and passed on to the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. H.H. Great Dharma King frequently causes disciples to attain control over their own living and dying. Who else would like to try and “coincidentally” do this? I would like to see it done by someone else just once and that would be enough.