Pure Land

Like Ch’an this form of Buddhism also originated in 6th century China within the Profound or Wisdom Lineage of Nagarjuna. It was founded by T’an Luan (467-542 CE). This school focused on the practitioner reciting the name of Amitabha and having faith that he/she would be reborn in the Western Paradise where more favorable conditions exist for obtaining enlightenment. It was based on the assumption that conditions were not suitable and the practitioners were not capable of achieving enlightenment in this lifetime. It has as its scriptural foundation the various Pure Land sutras including the Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra. It was exported to Japan in the 12th century. It was one of the first forms of Buddhism to come to North America, being brought here by the Chinese immigrants in the late 19th century. It is also a growing practice in the US.