Disciples’ Miracles

Kuan Yin appeared to and interacted with Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche as he conducted a pilgrimage by prostrating around the island of Taiwan.

Kuan Yin appeared to and interacted with Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche as he conducted a pilgrimage by prostrating around the island of Taiwan.

An elderly disciple demonstrated his level of realization by performing full prostrations around the island of Taiwan, a journey of almost 700 miles. In the middle of this pilgrimage, which he performed to atone for the sins of others, he received a special initiation from His Holiness after which he conducted a meditation retreat, going without food or water for twenty-two days. He was able to sustain himself purely on his meditation. During this fast this disciple saw and interacted with Shakyamuni Buddha. Earlier while on his pilgrimage, he received teachings from Kuan Yin (Avalokiteshrava) Bodhisattva as well.

Many disciples reported “miracles” happening to them after they started following His Holiness. Several walked away from terrible automobile accidents where their cars were totaled and they did not receive so much as a scratch. Others reported having their hand shut in a car door or pouring molten wax on themselves or other bizarre accidents, but not experiencing any pain or problem. Many other disciples had miraculous healings occur where long term illnesses or physical deformities were healed or corrected.

Some of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III’s disciples are also able to perform miraculous healings and exhibit other supernormal behavior to help living beings.

Henghsing Gyatso Rinpoche Completes Pilgrimage Around Island of Taiwan

Spending Twenty-two Days Without Any Food and Water, a Lama Learns the True Vajra Meditation of the Buddha