
The First Vajra Throne at Bodhgaya

The Second Vajra Throne at Wu-tai Shan

The Third Vajra Throne at Kathok

The Fourth Vajra Throne at Sanger


A documentary film was released at the IBSA Conference held in Hong Kong on August 6, 2011, that explains how a fourth vajra throne was recognized at what is now know as the Holy Vajrasana Temple near Sanger, California. The DVD also explains that Vajra Thrones, sometimes referred to as “Bodhimandas”, are either places where a great holy being became enlightened or a place empowered by a great holy being where people who practice there can also become enlightened. The DVD shows how the Holy Vajra Pill was activated or empowered to return to Sanger and the Vajra Poles shaking in anticipation of the Holy Vajra Pill’s return.

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