The Dharma Assembly was held by the International Buddhism Sangha Association according to the Decree of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III; after Its Successful Conclusion, Nectars Descended from the Sky to Bless Attendees:

Praying for the United States of America, Great Virtuous Buddhists from Various Countries in the World Gathered at San Francisco to Practice the Dharma of Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva, August 26, 2012

Ven. LaJian Long Hui Rinpoche conducts the Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma at Hua Zang Si, August 26, 2012.
The Dharma Assembly was held at Hua Zang Si in San Francisco on August 26, 2012. This is the first time this dharma has been practiced in the United States of America. The dharma assembly was led by the International Buddhism Sangha Association and practiced in accordance with orthodox rituals. This event was taken extremely seriously by various Buddhist sects and schools. Altogether, more than 110 dharma kings, venerable ones, rinpoches, and senor leaders and great dharma masters of monasteries attended this dharma assembly. In addition, leaders of Buddhist organizations around the world, the seven types of Buddhist disciples as well as people from all walks of society completely filled up the temple building and the open-air yard outside. I was not able to get the total number of attendees which must be in the order of several thousands. The entire view was just a huge crowd completely filling everywhere.

Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Arm Guan Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly at Hua Zang Si, San Francisco
According to the sources, the causation of this dharma assembly was due to the fact that, this summer, the United States faces a historical drought, the proportions of which have not been seen in fifty-six years. In addition, there have been other natural disasters, such as tornadoes. Altogether, more than 30 states were hit by the disasters. Thus, International Buddhism Sangha Association respectfully sought guidance from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III as to what Buddhist practice we should undertake in response. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III gave the Association special instructions to hold a Greatly Compassionate Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva Grand Mandala Dharma Assembly to beseech the blessing power from the Buddha for the peace and prosperity of the United States, the safety, joy and happiness of the people, the abundance of harvest, and success in all u
The Thousand-Armed Guan-Yin Bodhisattva is known as the kindest and most benevolent Bodhisattva and the lord who looks upon the world with great compassion. She takes on various forms in order to teach Buddha dharma to living beings. She helps those who call upon Her; She frees those from sufferings and benefits all sentient beings. There are legends about Her appearing as the images of Mother Mary, Mazu and many others. Among them, the depiction of Guan-Yin Bodhisattva with a thousand arms and a thousand eyes is believed to have the most incredible power that brings salvation to living beings and turns hostility to peace. This dharma assembly was conducted in according to the orthodox Buddhist rituals. The practice of the dharma was led by bhiksunis of International Buddhism Sangha Association.
On August 26, the weather was very hot. As soon as the dharma assembly started, smooth Buddha winds blew over. Immediately, the scorching heat was wiped away. The blessing power was extremely magnificent. Right after the perfect conclusion of the dharma assembly, the many pieces of clouds in the sky suddenly all disappeared. In a moment, blue light took over the entire sky, which looked just as the blue-colored body of Dorje Chang Buddha. At this time, the sound of dragon roar could be heard in the sky. Next, people started to inform each other, “Nectars are descending!”
When this reporter arrived at the walking path within Hua Zang Si, nectars did come down from the sky. Around the holy tree, nectars were also descending. All around Hua Zang Si, snow-colored white nectars were flying and dancing in the sky, People held their palms together to pay homage to the extremely magnificent blessing power of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva. The nectars received this time were different from the last few time. In the prior occasions, nectars descended like straight lines. This time, nectars were dancing and swirling in the sky and then slowly dropped onto people’s faces and hands. At the time, people were extremely grateful and shouting happily. Everyone was praising the majestic manifestation of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva’s awe-inspiring power and magnificent empowerment bestowed to the dharma assembly.
As a Buddhist organization world-wide, International Buddhism Sangha Association always upholds the teachings of Sakyamuni Buddha and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The purpose of the Association is to benefit all sentient beings with great compassion and selfless devotion, and to enhance the welfare of all beings. As always, International Buddhism Sangha Association follows the correct teaching of Buddhism in its conduct. The Association relentlessly strives for benefiting living beings with great compassion and enhancing the well-beings of mankind. As a result, International Buddhism Sangha Association is closely followed and greatly beloved by Buddhist circles in various countries around the world. Within just three years, its member organizations increased from a few hundreds of temples, organizations and associations to more than 10,000.
International Buddhism Sangha Association is also the organization that has the largest number of holy objects in the world. Some magnificent examples include: the holy tree that had nectars descended during several dharma assemblies; the dharma bowl that was used to receive Buddha-bestowed nectars and shariras; the Buddha-bathing lotus pond with the weight of 4260-lb when filled with water which was lifted by two great virtuous ones during the highest Buddha-bathing dharma assembly; sharira of the Buddha held in a Sumeru-Mandala Yun-sculpture plate personally sculpted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III; the prince sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha that emitted shining light during a Buddha-bathing dharma assembly, and the magnetic plate and thermometers used for temperature measurement used by many great virtuous ones when they practiced the dharma of tummo concentration to raise body temperature.
For quite a few hundred years, people heard about power from practicing the dharma of tummo concentration. However, it is extremely rare to meet holy ones who have such powers. International Buddhism Sangha Association does possess the holy object left by eminent monks and great virtuous ones after they practiced tummo concentration. This magnetic plate is the one and only piece in the world. It was placed on the belly of great holy virtuous ones when medicines for Buddhist pills were made from the fire of tummo.
These holy objects have great blessing powers. For instance, when sprinkled onto a patient’s body, illnesses can be expelled right away. That includes cancer, vasculitis and other incurable diseases. There is another miraculous example. A person’s hand was cut by a knife. Afterwards, that person piously paid homage to Buddha-bestowed nectars. One hour later, not even a trace could be seen at the original location of the wound.