Public Announcement No. 20150112: Methods of Taking the Exam for Golden Button Grade 1 and Warning to Those Who Have Not Specified What They Wish to Be Tested on

By | August 30, 2015

by United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters:

It is true that a candidate who has gone through the examination in the holy realm at the end of the examination of holiness and virtue at the level of Blue Button Grade 3 is qualified to enter the examination for Golden Button Grade 1. However, please note that there are two ways to enter the examination for Golden Button Grade 1. One is to continue the Eight Winds in Samsara Battle Position to be tested for Golden Button Grade 1. The other is to stop the Eight Winds Battle Position and then choose the Vajra Battle Position to test for Golden Button Grade 1. Separately, if you choose to start the examination in the holy realm directly from the Vajra Battle Position, you have to clearly indicate this choice in your application for taking the examination.

If you choose to continue the Eight Winds Battle Position to test for Golden Button Grade 1, failing this test will not bear any effect on your already-earned status and identity of Blue Button Grade 3. You will still be issued the certificate and dharma attire of Blue Button Grade 3. Similarly, if you choose to stop the Eight Winds Battle Position when you pass at the level of Blue Button Grade 3 and then test for Golden Button Grade 1 through the Vajra Battle Position, failing the test in the Vajra Battle Position will not affect your status and identity of Blue Button Grade 3 in any way and you will be issued the certificate and dharma attire of that level.

In a different scenario, if you choose to undergo the test of Vajra Battle Position to re-test for Golden Button Grade 1 after you have already passed for Golden Button Grade 1 through continuing the Eight Winds Battle Position, a failure of the Vajra Battle Position will invalidate the status of passing at Golden Button Grade 1 with continuing the Eight Winds Battle Position. This is because such result indicates that this possible candidate of Golden Button Grade 1 is at the early period or the generation stage of that grade level and is unable to withstand the pressure of the Vajra Battle Position. Moreover, having passed Golden Button Grade 1 with the Eight Winds Battle Position and then choosing to repeat the test with the Vajra Battle Position exposes this candidate’s lack of confidence as well as dark karma of disrespecting the yidam of the Eight Winds Battle Position. This is something that the Vajras do not approve!!! With such an outcome, you will have to wait until next year to test again via the Eight Winds Battle Position or the Vajra Battle Position.

Also, please pay special attention to a fact. Some people only indicated the levels they intend to test for (e.g., Blue Button Grade 2, Blue Button Grade 3, Golden Button Grade 1, and so on) without specifying the specific item(s) within the four big categories to be tested in the examination. When the yidam and dharma protectors conduct their review during the last step of examination in the holy realm, the candidate will be examined for the entirety of all contents of the four categories, which is, as a matter of fact, much more than all scriptures and dharma rituals listed in Public Announcement No. 20150109. Thus, the candidate can practically only score a zero and will not pass even the lowest level of Blue Button Grade 1. If one holds a certificate of holiness and virtue issued earlier, such a result can only be interpreted as that one has receded holiness and become an ordinary person again. This is because the grade levels awarded during the past few years were based on item(s) of virtue and without the verification of an examination in the holy realm, and thus are inaccurate.


United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters (Seal)

August 30, 2015