Validation #3

By | December 20, 2013

Validation of Facts in Response to Letter of Inquiry by

The Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III:

In recent days, an evil situation that seriously harms and causes damage to people practicing meditation occurred. That is the conduct by an extremely vicious evil spirit(s). The act is appalling!


H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said, “The dharma of Meditation Practice that I transmitted to Buddhist disciples at that time and published on the internet is a concisely refined and a complete dharma for practice. This is the dharma of Meditation Practice expounded in public in March 2013. No one, regardless of at what level of a master one is, has learned anything extra. As long as one received the initiation and was transmitted the three mantras at the dharma assembly on December 4, 2013, one has received the complete teaching of the dharma. As to thoroughly understanding the essence and reasoning of meditation practice and the ultimate truth to be realized, one must achieve the realization of enlightening one’s mind and seeing one’s own nature through the practice of meditation. Or, after reading and understanding Expounding the Absolute Truth through the Heart Sutra, you will become totally clear.”


“For people who engage in a long-term practice of meditation in a secluded environment such as in a mountain cave or a hut or people who practice other dharmas in a mountain cave or a hut, there exists other dharma(s) for secluded mandalas. However, that dharma is for practicing in a secluded mandala, not a dharma of meditation practice. As of now, only holy and virtuous ones who are at the level of one Sun-Moon wheel or higher have learned the dharma for secluded mandalas. Among you all who received the great dharma of Meditation Practice, not even one is practicing in a secluded environment such as in a mountain cave or a hut. That is why you do not need the dharma(s) for inviting the mountain deity and keeping wild beasts out. Therefore, this dharma of Meditation Practice is complete. Other than adding the dharma for secluded mandalas for practicing long-term meditation in a mountain cave or a hut, there is nothing additional to be added.”


What you have learned is a complete dharma of meditation practice. There is nothing having to do with not making offerings. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III does not accept any offering anyway. Moreover, you already had the mentality and conduct of making offerings. Among the almost two thousand attendees, everyone offered money in a red envelope. Not even one was empty-handed. Only because H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was fulfilling His mind vow of not accepting offerings and serving people for free and did not accept, were you not able to present the offerings. You were respectful and treasured the dharma. The outcome had nothing to do with you. That was H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s own conduct.


H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is a Buddha. His Holiness the Buddha speaks according to the facts, speaks truthfully, speaks nothing that is untrue, and speaks directly. Now some people who do not understand Buddha-dharma and do not know the practice of meditation started to fear that cultivators would see through their true nature and sever the relations with them. As a result, in order to cover up their true nature of being an amateur in Buddha-dharma and to continue to deceive people, they even disregarded living beings’ opportunities of acquiring wisdom and revealed rampantly their evil and poisonous vicious conduct. They privately told cultivators that the practice of meditation taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was incomplete and another thing had to be added. The extremely vicious effect is in that they told people not to practice the dharma.


Now, the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (the Office) formally informs you all that the master who made such statements is a monster in human-form who entered the path of a devil. Conclusions can be drawn on this person in the following three aspects:


  1. The person who made such statements was absolutely and definitely ignorant to the practice of meditation before the public announcement about the meditation practice was published. That was why he or she spread the evil statements now to cover up his or her own nature.
  2. The person who made such statements does not possess even the basics in the Five Vidyas and has very shallow credentials. That was why he or she spoke nonsense.
  3. The person who made such statements is absolutely not a holy and virtuous one with Sun-Moon wheel(s). This is because a holy and virtuous one with Sun-Moon wheel(s) will not pretend to know what he or she does not know. Additionally, a holy and virtuous one with Sun-Moon wheel(s) will never disregard the precepts and deceive people with lies!


For facilitating your understanding of the facts, we now make a metaphor using the subject of educational and academic credentials. Even if one has attained the virtue and realization of a holy and virtuous one at the initial stage of having Sun-Moon wheel(s), that is still like having the educational background of a first-year student in middle-school. There is still a long way to go toward the academic knowledge of a college student. However, the level of this great dharma of Meditation Practice is more than people who have a Ph.D degree or even who are university professors can understand. Only first-class scholars at the level of a member of the academy of science can possibly study or research on the subject. This is just an analogy in terms of educational and academic credentials. Within the last two hundred years, even many great rinpoches including some first-class dharma kings in Tibet never learned this great dharma of Meditation Practice. However, Riguwenbo Rinpoche did hold this dharma of Meditation Practice.


This person who committed the acts of slandering the Buddha, slandering the dharma, and poisonously harming people practicing meditation is definitely an evil master or evil disciple who entered the path of a devil, regardless of what identity of reincarnation he or she has. Those who are his or her disciples or fellow brothers and sisters should leave him or her immediately and do not have anything to do with evildoers after repenting. Otherwise, one will share the sin of slandering the Buddha, slandering the dharma, and poisonously harming living beings and will certainly descend into one of the three lower realms. Anyone who does not repent and correct immediately will never have the opportunity of being received by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in his or her entire lifetime and even less possibly of being transmitted any dharma. This is because sharing the sin of making vicious lies belongs to the sin of an icchantika. Oppositely, if one repents sincerely and leaves the evil to follow the path of good practice, one will be able to be received and taught by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.


You all should pay attention in your observations to two key issues:


  1. If this type of person who slandered the Buddha and slandered the dharma can sincerely make a repentance to admit his or her faults before the people who were deceived by his or her statements of the dharma of Meditation Practice being incomplete, the decision of expelling this person will be removed. Otherwise, once these evildoers and swindlers are truly identified through investigation, regardless of what identity of reincarnation one has or what certificate of holiness and virtue with Sumeru wheel(s) one possesses, due to the unforgivable conduct of harming living beings and harming the interests of the great mass, all will be expelled without exception by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
  2. If this person already knew that his or her conduct of an evildoer had been exposed and he or she would be named by a public announcement for expulsion, it is possible that this person may make up excuses to betray and leave ahead of them and continues the act of slandering the Buddha and slandering the dharma to poisonously harm people. In that case, we will publish this person’s answer sheet during the examination of meditation practice to the public. You all should pay attention to see who this type of evildoers who entered the path of a devil are, to avoid being fooled!

From the Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III,

December 20, 2013



Attachment: The original text of the letter received that sought verification of facts from the Office

(An e-mail with the date of Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 3:43 PM)





Respected Office of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III,

I was very fortunate to have received the great dharma of Meditation Practice and initiation transmitted by the Buddha Grand Master. I am extremely grateful to Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

During the dharma assembly, the Buddha Grand Master declared that this great dharma of Meditation Practice was the best and the most complete. However, I heard from a fellow brother today that the great dharma of Meditation Practice transmitted by the Buddha Grand Master was incomplete. He told me not to practice it, because another thing had to be added to make it complete. He said that, because we did not make offerings, the Buddha Grand Master did not transmit the complete dharma.

I beseech the Office to answer the questions I have. Is it true that the Buddha Grand Master transmitted a more perfect great dharma of Meditation Practice to rinpoches? Is the great dharma of Meditation Practice that we received complete? Is there another thing to be added?

Please forgive me for not mentioning his name. The reason is that perhaps there are also other people making such statements. If these people are villains, we hope that the Office can investigate and find them all, to prevent living beings from being harmed. If his statements that the great dharma of Meditation Practice transmitted by the Buddha Grand Master is incomplete and another thing needs to be added are true, I deeply apologize to him here.

I once again express my gratitude!

Ci Huai